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How Cordyceps Can Improve Sexual Health : Benefits and Evidence

  1. Introduction

    1.1 Definition of Cordyceps

    Cordyceps is a unique type of fungus that has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine for its various health benefits. This fascinating fungus grows primarily on the larvae of caterpillars and has a number of medicinal properties that make it highly sought after. With many species of Cordyceps now being cultivated artificially, it’s easier than ever to harness the power of this remarkable fungus. One species in particular, Cordyceps sinensis, is renowned for its wide-ranging health benefits, making it a popular choice among those seeking to improve their overall wellness. In this article, we’ll explore how Cordyceps can specifically enhance sexual health and function.[1]

    1.2 Overview of Sexual Dysfunction and Common Causes

    Sexual Dysfunction is a broad term that refers to problems related to sexual function in both men and women.[2] It can manifest as a lack of desire to engage in sexual activity or difficulties with sexual function such as pain and discomfort during intercourse.[2] In men, sexual dysfunction can include erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, while in women, it can include a lack of sexual desire, vaginal dryness, pain, discomfort, and difficulty achieving orgasm.[2] Sexual dysfunction can be caused by a variety of factors such as stress, hormonal imbalances, side effects of certain medications, and certain health conditions.[2]

    1.3 Brief Overview of How Cordyceps Can Improve Sexual Health

    It is well known that Cordyceps has many health benefits. Improving sexual health is also one of the potential benefits of this fungus. Cordyceps is known to improve erectile dysfunction in men and also improves libido in women as well.[2]

    Cordyceps increases blood flow and regulates the hormone levels to improve sexual health. Inflammation is also one of the causes of sexual dysfunction and Cordyceps being a very potent anti-inflammatory reduces inflammation thereby helping treat sexual dysfunction.[2]

  2. Cordyceps and Libido

    The hormone stimulatory effects of Cordyceps are believed to be the reason behind Cordyceps increasing libido. In fact, some studies have shown that Cordyceps not only improves libido but also improved the time to reach orgasm.[3]

    A study conducted on humans showed that people who took Cordyceps supplements experienced a better sexual life and increased libido compared to those people who only took placebo.[3]

    2.1 Cordyceps and Erectile Dysfunction

    Erectile Dysfunction is quite a common problem in males. This is especially true in the elderly population or people who are on certain medications. Erectile Dysfunction can have significant impact on the quality of life of a person and personal relationships.[4]

    Cordyceps has a property of increasing blood flow to the penis and relaxing the smooth muscles around the area thereby helping decrease the problem of erectile dysfunction.[4]

    2.2 Cordyceps and Female Sexual Dysfunction

    Primary medical conditions that come under female sexual dysfunction include difficulty achieving orgasm, pain and discomfort during intercourse, and vaginal dryness. While there are medications available that can address all these problems but they are generally very expensive and come with significant risk of side effects.[5]

    Cordyceps is one such alternative which addresses all of these concerns without any undue risks. In helps in increasing libido, improves vaginal lubrication, and decrease pain during intercourse.[5]

  3. Scientific Evidence of Effects of Cordyceps on Sexual Health

    3.1 Studies on Cordyceps For Improving Libido

    A study published in PubMed highlights the effects of Cordyceps on libido. The study mentions that there was an increase in sexual desire by 66% in people who had decreased libido and who took Cordyceps supplement. The effect was seen more in females than males. However, the data is still limited and more research is ongoing with regard to how much cordyceps should be taken and for how long to get the desired result.[6]

    3.2 Studies on Cordyceps For Treating Erectile Dysfunction

    There are various studies published in ScienceDirect and PubMed that have highlighted the improved sexual function after consumption of cordyceps after several experiments were conducted on mice. It was also noted that Cordyceps increased the nitric oxide levels in the body which in turn improved blood flow to the penis and relaxed the blood vessels around the area leading to improved erectile function.[7]

    3.3 Studies on Cordyceps For Treating Female Sexual Dysfunction

    After conducting variety of studies on the effect of Cordyceps on sexual dysfunction in females it has been observed that cordyceps significantly optimizes the adrenaline function and along with its anti-inflammatory effects and the ability of cordyceps to reduce oxidative stress and enhance overall energy levels all play a role in reversing sexual dysfunction females, especially menopausal females who are more prone to sexual dysfunction that females of reproductive age and who are fit and healthy.[8]

  4. Other Benefits of Cordyceps

    4.1 Immune System Modulation

    Aside from boosting the sexual health Cordyceps is also known to boost the immune system. It does so by increasing the production of immune cells in the body and decreasing inflammation. This significantly lowers the risk of a person getting an infection and also improves the overall health.[9]

    4.2 Athletic Performance

    Cordyceps also improves the athletic performance of a person. Cordyceps is known to have properties that increase stamina and endurance. It has also been shown to improve oxygen intake and decrease fatigue thereby enhancing the overall performance of athletes who are involved with high intensity training and exercise.[10]

    4.3 Anti-Aging Effects

    The antiaging effects of Cordyceps is quite well known. Cordyceps increase the production of ATP which boosts the overall energy levels. The anti-inflammatory properties of Cordyceps decrease the chances of developing age-related inflammatory conditions like arthritis.[11]

    Cordyceps also decrease oxidative which prevents the body from developing major medical conditions related to the natural process of aging like Parkinson’s disease. Additionally, Cordyceps is also known to improve cognition and enhance the memory which all contribute to anti-aging effects of Cordyceps.[11]

  5. How to Take Cordyceps?

    5.1 Supplements

    Cordyceps are available easily in the form of supplements through capsules, powders, and liquid extracts. However, for optimal results a person should speak to the healthcare provider and choose the best form of supplement ensuring that it is safe and effective.[1]

    5.2 Tea or Coffee

    The best way to incorporate Cordyceps into the daily routine is to mix it in tea or coffee. It not only enhances the taste but is equally effective.[1]

  6. Risks and Side Effects of Cordyceps

    While Cordyceps has plenty of medicinal properties at times it may also cause certain side effects to some people. The risks of Cordyceps can broadly divided into the categories mentioned below.

    6.1 Allergies

    Some people might be allergic to fungus and thus not suitable to take Cordyceps. If a person starts to notice rashes or breaks out into hives a short while after taking Cordyceps supplementation then it is better to discontinue the supplement as it may be a sign of an allergic reaction.[12]

    In severe cases the person may have problems with breathing which will require immediate medical attention and the person will need to go to the emergency room for treatment. It is best to consult with a healthcare provider to discuss all the risks and side effects before starting on Cordyceps supplementation.[12]

    6.2 Blood Thinners

    Cordyceps is also not suitable for people who are on blood thinners. This is because Cordyceps also ha blood thinning properties which may interact with the blood thinning medications. This in case if a person is on a blood thinner like warfarin or aspirin then it is best to discuss with the healthcare provider on whether or not to take Cordyceps.[12]

    6.3 Other Drug Interactions

    Cordyceps also may interact with certain immunosuppressants and medications given to diabetics and hence is not suitable for these people. It is therefore recommended to speak to the treating physician in such instances and discuss whether there can be any interactions with the medications that he or she might be taking with Cordyceps supplements.[12]

  7. Conclusion

    Cordyceps has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine as a source of vitality and improved sexual performance.[2] Scientific studies suggest that Cordyceps can improve sexual dysfunction in both males and females by enhancing libido, reducing erectile dysfunction, and increasing lubrication, while decreasing any pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse.[3, 4]

    However, it is important to note that Cordyceps may interact with certain medications, particularly immunosuppressants, blood thinners, and some diabetes medications. Therefore, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before starting Cordyceps supplements to avoid any potential risks or side effects.[12] It is also essential to use Cordyceps supplements in moderation and follow the recommended dosage to avoid any adverse effects on health.

    Overall, Cordyceps has promising potential as a natural remedy for sexual dysfunction, but it is important to approach it with caution and under professional guidance.[12]


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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:April 13, 2023

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