The vagina is a tubular muscular region inside a women’s body, which runs from cervix to the vaginal opening. The vagina is designed in a way that it keeps itself clean with the help of natural discharge. Other than the menstrual period, it is normal to produce a clear white secretion from the vagina.
A healthy discharge will not have a strong smell or color. There might be a wet feeling but it should not lead to itching around the vagina, which can be due to an infection.
Every woman is concerned about vaginal health. The vagina generally has an acidic pH and contains good quantities of beneficial bacteria that help fight infection. It is also naturally lubricated. Using harsh soaps or cleansers can affect a healthy pH balance.
If there is a change in the vaginal odor or a change in the color of the discharge which is associated with discomfort, it needs to be evaluated.
How To Keep The Vagina Clean and Healthy?
Following rules can be adopted to keep the vagina healthy:
- Protect the Vaginal pH Without Douching: A normal vaginal pH is usually below 4.5. Douching is a process of cleaning the vagina with water and other fluids. Douching can interfere with the normal pH and reduce acid disruption of the healthy vaginal biome. This sets the stage for bacterial infection. If you feel a strong and unpleasant odor, consult a doctor. A douche will just mask the odor. It cannot cure the cause of the problem. Harsh soaps and cleansers should be avoided for cleaning the vagina as they can disrupt the healthy pH balance.
- Eat a Healthy Diet: There are certain foods which can help maintain vaginal and reproductive health. It is therefore important to follow a balanced and nutritious diet. For example, yogurt can help prevent yeast infection. Research published shows, if prone to urinary tract infection taking cranberry supplement can help.(1)
- Practice Safe Sex: To protect against sexually transmitted infection such as HIV, gonorrhea, genital herpes, syphilis and chlamydia, using condoms is very important. Also, it is necessary to change the condom when switching from vaginal to oral or anal sex or either way. This will prevent harmful bacteria from entering the vagina. Never share sex toys even with your partner, as STI’s can spread this way.
- Use Lubricants: Lubrication is an important part of intercourse, without it, the vagina can get irritated. Lubrication is a normal phenomenon but some females do not produce enough lubricant. In this case to reduce friction lubricants can be used. There are water-based, silicon-based, or oil-based lubricants available. If trying to get pregnant it is important to consult a gynecologist if you want to use a lubricant, as some lubricants can damage the sperm and become a hurdle in conceiving.
- Wear Breathable Fabric: Vagina should stay clean and dry. It is therefore important to avoid wearing tight-fitted clothing, which can create a warm and moist condition in which yeast thrives. If prone to yeast infection it is important to change sweaty workout clothes or swimsuits as quickly as possible. Wear breathable cotton fabric and avoid thongs.
- Follow Good Hygiene: To maintain vaginal health, following good hygiene is very important. After a bowel movement, clean from front to back to avoid bacterial contamination. During periods change the pads or the tampons regularly. If wearing panty liners to absorb vaginal discharge, change them frequently.
- Regular Gynecologist Examination: Getting regularly checked by a gynecologist is also important to maintain vaginal health. According to the American College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologist it is important to get the first gynecologist screening at the age of 21.(2) They can detect or diagnose any disease or disorder in the reproductive system and advice necessary precautions.
- Get Treated When The Infection Arises: Any kind of infection, if you notice is cropping up, it’s better to get treated soon. Three types of vaginal infection are a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis. Most of them can be treated by over the counter medication, but if they do not subside the symptoms, consult a gynecologist for the further cure.
- Do Kegel Exercise: Kegel helps in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and reduces strain to the pelvic organs. It also improves bladder and bowel function.
Along with all of the above maintaining good general health is also important to maintain good vaginal health. Stay fit and healthy.
Also Read:
- What Causes Vagina to be Wet & Moist?|Normal and Excessive Vaginal Secretion
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- Vaginal Dryness: Causes, Treatments, and Natural Remedies To Moisturize It
- Will My Vagina Ever Be The Same Again After Childbirth?
- What Causes Vaginal Gas & How to Stop It?
- 14 Natural Ways To Ease Vaginal Discomfort