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Boost Your Health with the Nutrients in Cherimoya Fruit (Custard Apple)

Know-About Cherimoya (Custard Apple): “Pearl Of The Andes”

Cherimoya or custard apple, scientifically named Annona cherimola is a green roundish fruit with a scaly outer skin. It is also known as the “Pearl of the Andes” because the fruit was cherished by the Incas, and is often reserved only for royalty. It is now commonly grown in Central America.


Boost Your Health with the Nutrients in Cherimoya Fruit (Custard Apple)

The fruit has a leathery skin and sweet, creamy flesh. Because of the creamy texture, it is also known as a custard apple.(1) The flavor of this fruit is somewhat similar to that of banana, papaya, mango, coconut, or strawberry. However, the exotic and tropical taste of cherimoya makes it one of the most liked fruits in the world.

But it is not just the taste of Cherimoya that makes it an incredible fruit, but it is also the exclusive nutritious and health benefits that it offers. Cherimoya or custard apple is packed with vitamins, fiber, and essential minerals, which is why it may help in supporting the immune system, promote heart and eye health, and reduce inflammation.(2, 3)

The best thing about cherimoya is that it is fat-free and could make a healthy and delicious addition to your diet.

NOTE: While eating the fruit be careful to discard the seeds as they are toxic to human beings.

Nutritional Facts Of Cherimoya

One cup serving or 160 grams of cherimoya fruit offers about 120 calories, 28. 3 grams of carbohydrates, 2.5 grams of protein, and 1.1 grams of fat. It also offers many vitamins like vitamin B6, Vitamin C, riboflavin, and also mineral like potassium. Look below to know the nutrition information of cherimoya that has been provided by the USDA.

Calories: 120

Carbohydrates: 28.3 grams

Fat: 1.1 grams

Protein: 2.5 grams

Fiber: 4.8 grams

Sugars: 20.6 grams

Vitamin C: 20.2 mg

Vitamin B6: 0.4 mg

Sodium: 711. 2 grams

Folate: 37 mcg

Riboflavin: 0.2 mg

Thiamin: 0.16 mg

Potassium: 459 mg

Details Of The Nutrient Contents In Cherimoya:

Carbohydrates: One cup serving of cherimoya provides 28.3 grams of carbohydrates. Most of the calories in the fruit come from carbs. The naturally occurring sugar in cherimoya is about 20.6 grams. Naturally occurring sugars in foods are less of a concern than added sugars.

You also get around 4.8 grams of fiber from one serving of cherimoya. Consuming fiber regularly can improve digestion, and reduce the risk of various types of cancers, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity.

Proteins: A custard apple of cherimoya contains a small amount of protein, i.e. one single cup of serving offers you about 2.5 grams of it.

Fats: One of the best things about cherimoya is that it contains almost no fat in it. You can get only over one gram of fat in one-cup serving of the fruit.

Vitamins And Minerals: It cannot be ignored that cherimoya is a storehouse of numerous vitamins and minerals. It contains a fair amount of vitamin C and offers around 20.2 mg or 22% of the DV (daily value) set by the U.S. FDA. Moreover, the fruit also offers 0.4 mg of vitamin B6, or 24% of the daily value. This vitamin is usually known to improve your mood and also helps in maintaining healthy metabolism in the body. Vitamin B6 is pretty essential during pregnancy for the development of the baby’s brain and improves immune function.

Cherimoya also provides a fair amount of folate, which is also an important mineral for pregnant women and newborns. A folate deficiency is linked with a higher risk of neural tube defects in infants. One whole fruit of cherimoya provides you with 53 mcg of folate, i.e. about 13.5% of the daily recommended value. Apart from this, an insufficient intake of folate is also associated with cardiovascular and Alzheimer’s disease.

Some other micronutrients present in custard apples are riboflavin, thiamin, and potassium. You can also find smaller amounts of minerals like iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, manganese, calcium, and phosphorous.

Health Benefits of Cherimoya

  1. Cherimoya Is Rich In Antioxidants

    The fruit is packed with antioxidants, which fight against free radicals in our bodies. High levels of free radicals in the body can result in oxidative stress, which is linked with several chronic illnesses like heart disease and cancer.(4, 5)

    Some compounds in custard apples, including flavonoids, kaurenoic acid carotenoids, and vitamin C are known for their potential antioxidant effects.

    A test-tube study has shown that both the pulp and peel of cherimoya are excellent sources of antioxidants.(6) However, you should not eat the peel of the fruit.

  2. It Helps In Preserving Memory

    Cherimoya is rich in vitamin B6 and this can help to preserve memory when you get older. Few limited studies have suggested that elderly people who have higher levels of vitamin B6 in their blood have better memory. However, supplements do not offer any benefits.(7)

    Still, vitamin B6 found in cherimoya and other foods like bananas, potatoes, meat, fish, and legumes, provide you essential benefits in preserving memory as you age.(8)

  3. Cherimoya Enhances Mood

    Being loaded with vitamin B6 or pyridoxine, cherimoya plays an important role in enhancing your mood. One cup or 160 grams of cherimoya contains 24% of the RDI or Reference Daily Intake.(9)

    Vitamin B6 plays a crucial role in the creation of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which benefit in regulating your mood.(10, 11)

    Inadequate levels of this vitamin can cause mood disorders. Low levels of vitamin B6 are associated with depression, especially in elderly people. A study conducted among older adults has found that a deficiency of vitamin B6 doubled the chances of depression.(12, 13) So, by eating foods like cherimoya that are rich in this vitamin, one can reduce the risk of depression related to the deficiency of vitamin B6.

  4. Eye Health Benefits of Cherimoya

    Cherimoya or custard apple is packed with carotenoid antioxidant “lutein”, an important antioxidant in your eyes that fights free radicals and maintains healthy vision.(14)

    Various studies have associated a high intake of lutein with good eye health and also a lower risk of AMD or age-related macular degeneration, which is a condition where the patient experiences vision loss and eye damage.(15, 16, 17) Lutein might also protect you against various other eye problems like cataracts and poor eyesight.

  5. Prevent High Blood Pressure

    Cherimoya is rich in nutrients like potassium and magnesium that help regulate blood pressure. One cup or 160 grams of cherimoya boasts 10% of the RDI for potassium and more than 6% of the RDI for magnesium.(18)

    Both magnesium and potassium promote the dilation of blood vessels, which ultimately aids in lowering blood pressure. High bp could increase your risk for heart disease and stroke.(19, 20, 21)

    A review has noted that consuming 4700 mg of potassium (DV for potassium) per day can reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure by about 8 and 4 mm Hg respectively.(20)

  6. It Has Anticancer Benefits

    Cherimoya is known for its incredible anti-cancer benefits. Some of the compounds present in the fruit might help to fight cancer. Cherimoya contains flavonoids, which include catechin, epicatechin, and epigallocatechin, and all of these have been shown to restrict the growth of cancer cells.

    A study has found that treating bladder cancer cells using epicatechin resulted in significantly less cell growth and replication when compared with cells that did not receive epicatechin.(21)

    One more test-tube study examined some catechins, including those that are found in cherimoya, which stopped about 100% growth of breast cancer cells.(22)

    However, further human studies are essential to completely understand how the compound found in cherimoya or other foods affects cancer.

  7. Cherimoya Promotes Digestion

    Cherimoya is also beneficial for the digestive system and promotes digestion. One cup serving or 160 grams of the fruit provides 5 grams of dietary fiber, and this is more than 17% of the RDI.(23) Fiber adds bulk to stool and aids move it properly through the intestines.(24)

    Moreover, soluble fibers found in cherimoya can feed the intestinal good bacteria and also undergo fermentation and produce SCFAs or short-chain fatty acids like butyrate, acetate, and propionate.

    SCFAs may protect against Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative colitis, or other inflammatory conditions affecting the digestive tract.(25) Cherimoya and other fiber-rich foods would enhance optimal digestive health by nourishing bacteria in the intestines and supporting healthy bowel movements.

  8. Anti-Inflammatory Benefits Of Cherimoya

    One of the best benefits of cherimoya or custard apple is its exclusive anti-inflammatory benefit. Chronic inflammation is associated with an increased risk of various diseases like cancer and heart disease.(26,27)

    Kaurenoic acid and other anti-inflammatory compounds are present in cherimoya. In animal studies, it has been found that this acid can reduce specific inflammatory proteins.(28, 29, 30)

    Apart from this, test-tube and animal studies have shown that cherimoya comprises of catechin and epicatechin, flavonoid, and antioxidants, all of which have potent anti-inflammatory effects.(31, 32, 33, 34)

  9. Cherimoya Supports Immunity

    Cherimoya and other tropical fruits are packed with vitamin C, which is an essential nutrient that supports your immune system by fighting infections and other diseases.(35, 36, 37) So, consuming cherimoya or other foods rich in vitamin C can help in supporting the immune system and keep you healthy.

Side Effects Of Cherimoya

Though there are so many impressive health benefits of cherimoya, the fruit contains small amounts of toxic compounds.

Cherimoya contains annonacin, which is a toxin that can affect your nervous system and brain.(38, 39, 40) Though all parts of cherimoya might contain annonacin, the toxin is, however, most concentrated in the skin and seeds of the fruit. So, to enjoy the delicious fruit and grasp the wonderful health benefits from it, you should limit your exposure to annonacin by discarding the skin and seeds before eating.

Cherimoya might also cause allergies, though the reports are limited. However, some limited evidence shows that those with a latex allergy might experience a reaction when consuming cherimoya or other similar fruits.(41) There has been one reported case of anaphylaxis or a severe allergic reaction to the cherimoya.(42)

The Closure

Cherimoya or custard apple is rich in numerous essential nutrients that support your mood, immunity, digestion, and overall health. However, it also contains small amounts of toxic compounds in its seeds and skin. So, to get the maximum benefit from the fruit, avoid the skin and seeds and also make sure to add this great nutrient-dense fruit to your daily diet. However, in case you experience any side effects after consuming cherimoya, visit your doctor immediately.


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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 10, 2023

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