Nowadays, most of the people are facing multiple skin issues like dark or dull skin tone, pigmentation, dark spots etc. So, here we are giving you some effective home remedies to beach your skin naturally for getting fairer and spotless skin. They are not only easy to make but also very beneficial for your skin. You can make them at home with the help of easily available ingredients. The best part of these homemade bleaching remedies is that they are completely harmless and can improve your skin tone and appearance naturally.
12 Effective Home Remedies To Bleach The Skin Naturally
Below are given some homemade and natural skin bleaching tips for you:
Skin Lightening Bleach With Raw Potato:
Raw potato is a great natural bleaching agent which efficiently removes the sun tan from the skin. Peel a raw potato and grate it. Mix some rose water in the grated potato and grind it to make a fine paste. In case of extremely dry skin, you can add some honey in it or in case of oily skin, you can add some lemon juice to this remedy. Apply it on your face and neck. Leave it to dry completely. Now wash your face with cold water. This home remedy is very effective in bleaching the skin naturally and mildly making your skin fair and spotless.
Instant Fairness Bleach With Tamarind
Tamarind is one of the best kitchen ingredients that can improve your skin tone naturally. Tamarind is very effective in removing the blemishes and dark spots by bleaching them naturally. Take 30 grams of tamarind, one teaspoon of lemon juice, and one teaspoon of honey. Boil tamarind in 100 ml of water for about half an hour. Let this tamarind pulp cool down completely. Add lemon juice and honey to it. Mix all the ingredients properly. Now apply it on your face and leave it to dry for around 15 minutes. Then rinse your face with normal water.
Herbal Bleach With Papaya
Papaya is well known for whitening and brightening the skin. Papaya contains papain, a powerful enzyme, which helps improve the skin tone greatly. Moreover, the presence of vitamin A, vitamin C and beta-carotene make it a superb and effective home remedy for lightening the skin tone.
Simply rub a piece of papaya on your skin and let it dry for around 10 minutes. Then wash your face with normal water. This home remedy will surely give you instant results. In case you have dark spots, age spots, and pigmentation marks on your skin, then choosing a raw papaya will be the better option for you. Continuous use of papaya will make your skin soft, fair and radiant.
Natural Skin Bleach With Lemon:
Lemon is a great source of vitamin C and considered to be the best and effective natural bleach for the skin. You can see the result from the very first use of it.
Squeeze a small amount of juice from lemon and apply it directly to your face and neck, avoiding the areas around the eyes. Let it dry for around 10 minutes and then wash it off with normal water. Use a good moisturizer for your skin after that as lemon can make it dry sometimes. You can add glycerine, curd or honey in lemon juice for reducing its acidic level. Repeat this effective home remedy once a week to naturally bleach your skin.
Effective Homemade Banana Bleach
Banana is loaded with many benefits for the skin. Banana is rich in potassium, vitamin E, and vitamin C, which improve the skin tone and make it glowing. Mash a fresh ripe banana and mix it with a paste of 1 red tomato. Apply this mixture on your skin and allow this to dry for around 15 minutes. Then rinse it off with cold water. This home remedy is effective in naturally bleaching your skin by making it fair and smooth instantly.
Natural Skin Bleaching With Orange
The presence of citric acid makes orange very effective in bleaching your face naturally. Like orange juice, orange peels are also very beneficial for lightening the skin tone.
For making this home remedy, simply mix orange juice with curd and apply it all over your face. Then wash it off with normal water after 20 minutes. To lighten the skin tone with orange peels, dry up the orange peels in sunlight and blend them to make a fine powder. Now take four teaspoons of curd in a bowl and add two teaspoons of orange peel powder in it. Mix both the ingredients well. Apply this homemade orange peel paste on your skin and leave it to dry for 15 minutes. Then wash it off with normal water. Repeat this effective home remedy once a week for getting that spotless and flawless skin naturally. -
Natural Skin Bleaching With Carrot
Carrot is very beneficial for the skin, as it is rich in minerals and vitamin A, which make your skin soft, healthy and radiant. Mix equal amount of carrot juice, lemon juice, orange juice, honey and apple juice. Apply this mixture on your skin and wash it off with cold water after around 20 minutes. This home remedy will bleach your skin naturally.
Tomato Instant Fairness Bleach
Tomato is a rich source of vitamin C, which is very beneficial for the skin; especially in bleaching the skin naturally. Take a ripe tomato and grate it properly or you can blend it also. Add one teaspoon of curd in it and mix well. Apply this paste evenly on your skin and let it dry completely. Use lukewarm water to wash your face and pat dry with a clean soft towel. Continuous use of this homemade natural bleach lightens the dark spots and gives you even skin tone.
Homemade Cucumber Bleach
Cucumber is a great natural bleaching agent that works effectively on the dark skin tone. Peel a fresh cucumber and grate it and squeeze the juice from it. Add some aloe vera juice to the cucumber juice and mix well. Apply this mixture on your face and neck. Let it dry for around 15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. This cucumber bleach not only lightens the skin tone naturally, but also soothes the skin during the summer season.
Natural Bleach With Urad Dal
Urad dal is very effective for naturally bleaching dull and uneven skin tone. Urad dal nourishes the skin and makes it fair and radiant. Soak 3 teaspoons of urad dal in water and two almonds in milk overnight. The next morning, blend both the ingredients properly to make a thick paste. Then add half-a-teaspoon of turmeric, one teaspoon of honey, and one teaspoon of lemon juice to this paste. Mix all the ingredients well and spread evenly all over your face and neck. Leave it to dry completely and then rinse it off with cold water. You will surely feel a positive change in your skin instantly.
Fairness Bleach With Strawberry
The presence of vitamin C makes strawberry beneficial for nourishing and revitalizing the skin. Strawberry also helps in lightening the skin tone and removing the blemishes and dark spots from the skin. Take 3 strawberries, 1 teaspoon of milk cream, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. Grate the strawberries and squeeze them for extracting juice from them. Now add milk cream, lemon juice, and honey in the strawberry juice. Combine all the ingredients thoroughly. Apply this solution all over your face and then wash it off with cold water after around 15 minutes. Regular use of this natural bleach will make your skin fair, soft and radiant.
Effective Skin Bleach With Pineapple Pulp, Papaya Seeds And Lemon Peels
Take some papaya seeds and keep them in a bowl. Now take some lemon peels and dry them up in the sun. Now blend the papaya seeds and the dried lemon peels and add pineapple pulp to this mixture and mix well. Apply this paste on your skin and leave it to dry completely. Then wash it off with cold water. This is an effective home remedy to bleach the skin naturally and you will get fairer skin with regular use of this magical remedy.
Now that you are completely aware of natural and effective ways to bleach the skin at home, you can try any of the remedies of your choice and see your skin turning naturally beautiful and flawless with each use.
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