10 Home Remedies That Can Lower Your High Blood Pressure

10 Home Remedies That Can Lower Your High Blood Pressure

It has become common to hear that people are taking medications to control their blood pressure. Infact, it is safe to say that drug therapy has now become the first line of defense to fight high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. However, have you ever thought that medications can be harsh and no drug comes without side effects? How about you consider making some lifestyle changes and trying out some home remedies to lower your high blood pressure. Please, keep in mind that even when you try out home remedies, without making healthy lifestyle choices, you will not be able to control your high blood pressure. Losing weight, avoiding alcohol, quitting smoking, and cutting back on caffeine are just some of the popular home remedies to lower your high blood pressure that one should think about integrating into your lifestyle. Let us learn how you can lower your high blood pressure with some simple home remedies.

10 Home Remedies That Can Lower Your  High Blood Pressure

#1. Sip on Cardamom and Ginger Tea

A highly effective home remedy for high blood pressure is cardamom and ginger tea. A study published in the Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics in 2009 showed the beneficial effects of cardamom powder taken daily for several weeks. The results of the study showed that the participants had a significant reduction in their blood pressure levels. If you combine cardamom powder with ginger, you can make a lovely warm tea to help your heart become healthy. Ginger is also known to have tremendous benefits for the heart and it is also a warm spice that helps in improving your blood circulation. Both these spices are also easily available, so you will not have any trouble finding them. Try having this herbal tea for three to four weeks and then check the results. You will be pleasantly surprised to see your high blood pressure is controlled with this simple home remedy.

#2. Start your Mornings with a Watermelon

Become a faithful follower of the watermelon to enjoy a great natural remedy for lowering high blood pressure. While watermelon is viewed as a summer fruit by many people, it is also known to effectively lower blood pressure as it contains an organic compound called citrulline. Once citrulline enters the body, it gets converted to L-arginine, which is a precursor to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is needed in the body to relax the blood vessels, thus causing your blood pressure to decrease. This is a simple, yet effective home remedy for high blood pressure that anyone can easily follow.

#3. Increase your Consumption of Garlic

Garlic is known for being highly effective in lowering high blood pressure. This herb has blood thinning properties, which makes it an ideal option for improving your overall cardiac health. Garlic also serves as a natural diuretic, meaning that it forces out any excess water and sodium from your body through your urine. This takes the pressure off from an overworked heart and also lowers blood pressure. If you are unable to have raw garlic due to its strong smell, then you can also opt for garlic supplements that are available easily. You can also try to add finely minced pieces of one clove of garlic and put it on a piece of fruit and then cover it with honey to make it taste better. Garlic is a great home remedy for high blood pressure.

#4. Reap the Benefit of Carrots to Control High Blood Pressure

People around the world eat carrots to improve their eyesight and skin. However, did you know that carrots can be a useful home remedy to help you lower high blood pressure? Carrots are rich in the antioxidant beta-carotene and the vitamins A and C. Antioxidants help you by reducing the number of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are one of the leading causes of cancer. Carrots also protect your body against damage to the blood vessels and prevent cellular death. Carrots also contain high levels of the electrolyte potassium, which is necessary for keeping the fluid levels in the body balanced and helps in normalizing blood pressure. In this home remedy for high blood pressure, potassium works by positively counteracting the impact of sodium on your body. This is an important function because people who consume excess amounts of sodium tend to have a higher level of blood pressure. The ideal way of consuming carrots is to drink one to three glasses of carrot juice every day. Do not add any sugar and try to buy organic carrots wherever possible.

#5. Tomatoes are great for Lowering High Blood Pressure

Also a great source of beta-carotene, tomatoes contains high levels of vitamin E, antioxidants, and potassium. All these are great for lowering high blood pressure naturally. Tomatoes also contain high levels of lycopene, a chemical which lends tomatoes their bright red color. Similar to beta-carotene, lycopene also has antioxidant effects on the body and it helps to lower the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). Lycopene also prevents the build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is one of the major causes of cardiovascular disease. Reap the benefits of tomatoes by eating a cup of fresh tomatoes, having tomato sauce, blended tomato juice, etc., every day. You can also opt to take lycopene supplements. Tomato sauce, however, does not refer to the commercially available tomato sauce, and we mean homemade tomato sauce from fresh tomatoes. You should avoid consuming commercially made tomato sauce as these contain high levels of sodium.

#6. Cut Down on Sodium to Lower Your High Blood Pressure

Sodium is responsible for increasing your blood pressure. Therefore, one of the simplest home remedy for high blood pressure is to keep your sodium intake to a bare minimum. Consuming high levels of sodium makes your body start to retain fluid, thus resulting in a sharp increase in blood pressure. It is recommended that you limit your sodium intake to only a little over half-a-teaspoon in a day. Try not to add salt to your food. Instead, use herbs and spices to add flavor to your food. You might think that table salt is the only source of sodium, but even processed foods are loaded with sodium and bad for your blood pressure. Therefore, make sure to read all food labels before you buy them and try to choose low-sodium alternatives wherever possible and available.

#7. Munch on Celery for Lowering High Blood Pressure

Most of us used to detest having celery in childhood. However, your childhood enemy is known to lower high blood pressure and also has many benefits for your liver. Celery seeds have been used in China for lowering high blood pressure for years now. Celery, being a fibrous vegetable, also acts as a diuretic, meaning it flushes out excess water from your body and heart. This also reduces your blood pressure. If you don’t like the taste of celery, you can opt for mixing celery seeds into your tea or use them in cooking. You can also try to drink fresh celery juice three times a day. Celery is an excellent home remedy for high blood pressure.

#8. Get the Goodness of Pomegranates

Another offbeat home remedy to lower your high blood pressure is to have pomegranate. Don’t these small red seeds of pomegranates look extra tempting? Pomegranates are a powerhouse of goodness when it comes to improving your overall health. This fruit is not only rich in nutrients, but it also contains high levels of the antioxidants tannin and anthocyanin. Pomegranates are also a good source of phytochemicals, polyphenols, punicalagin, and flavonoids. Phytochemicals are naturally occurring substances in plant foods that prevent damage to our cells and also act as antioxidants. Flavonoids and polyphenols are also antioxidants that help your body fight cancers and heart disease. Punicalagin is one of the biggest compounds responsible for all the health benefits of pomegranates. Punicalagin helps improve the levels of good cholesterol (HDL), lowers the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), improves the functions of your heart and blood vessels, lowers high blood pressure, and also reverses the effects of atherosclerosis. Include pomegranates in your daily diet by either adding the seeds to your salad, having it as a fruit, or by juicing the seeds into a healthy drink.

#9. Include Sesame Seeds and Sesame Oil to Control High Blood Pressure

Sesame is a great source of omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin E, sesamin, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). All these compounds are great for lowering high blood pressure, preventing diabetes and also cardiovascular disease. Sesamin, a lignin compound present in sesame oil, is known to lower high blood pressure. Sesamin also lowers the absorption of cholesterol in the body. Furthermore, PUFA and sesamin help in relaxing the arterial wall, thus reducing blood pressure. You can either add an ounce of sesame seeds or sesame oil into your daily cooking. Continue using it for at least two months in a row to manage your high blood pressure.

#10. Drink Coconut Water for High Blood Pressure

Coconut water is full of medicinal benefits. It is filled with magnesium and potassium electrolytes that work wonders for the heart muscles. Coconut water also helps lower high blood pressure, as it acts as a potassium-sparing diuretic, meaning it removes excess water from your body, but retains crucial potassium. Try having organic coconut water. It is also recommended that you have it when it is bottled in its raw form. Drink at least eight ounces of organic coconut water at least one to three times a day for high blood pressure.


There are many more home remedies that help lower high blood pressure. These 10 suggestions are just something that you can begin with as these are easily available. Incorporated with healthy lifestyle changes, these home remedies can provide you with great results. If you notice your blood pressure climbing beyond a certain level, it is recommended that you consult your doctor immediately for medical help.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 29, 2018

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