What Is A Severe Mood Disorder?

Severe mood disorder is a condition of mind which is characterized by chronic, recurrent and serious fluctuations of elevated or lowered moods. It is a serious condition where a patient may harm himself or surroundings and even may commit suicide. The state of mind may change from an elevated mood to lowered mood in a few weeks to a few months to a few years. Its symptoms involve extreme depression, sadness, gloominess, helplessness, low self-esteem, etc. the symptoms are so severe in some cases that the patient needs to be hospitalized and given emergency treatment. It can be treated with medicines and psychotherapy.

What Is A Severe Mood Disorder?

Mood disorders are the disorders that are characterized by a deviation of one’s thoughts to negative thoughts. It influences one’s ability to lead a normal life. It sometimes becomes chronic, longstanding and serious that can endanger life causing a high risk of depression and suicidal tendencies. In this condition, it is called severe mood disorder. It is characterized by episodes of depression major and extreme mania. It has both elevated and lowered moods. Anyone of them can change into another in a few weeks or a few months to several years.

The types of severe mood disorders are-

Major Depressive Disorder– it is also known as depression or clinical depression. It is characterized by a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in anything. It can mild or severe. It becomes severe when it is left untreated and the patient may develop tendencies to hurt him and commit suicide. Its symptoms include the feeling of sadness, hopelessness, an outburst of anger, loss of pleasure or interest in all activities like sports, hobbies, etc. It can be treated with medicines and psychotherapy which may require long-term treatment.

Bipolar Disorders– it is a brain disorder characterized by extreme fluctuations of mood, energy and activity levels of a person. It is also called manic-depressive illness. It affects the day to day activities. It is represented by episodes of extreme happiness and energized behavior (mania) and extreme sadness and hopelessness (depression). Bipolar I disorder is extremely severe mood disorder that can cause suicidal tendencies. Its episodes last for seven days but it requires immediate emergency treatment.

Cyclothymic Disorder– it is a mild form of bipolar disorder. It has frequent episodes of depression alternating with hypomania. The pattern of episodes continues for more than 2 years. The symptoms do not disappear for 2 months. Its episodes are unpredictable. It may have a family history and may begin in childhood. It affects both male and females equally. It appears more commonly in people who have a family history of bipolar disorder. In severe cases, it may proceed to severe bipolar disorder.

Persistent Depressive Disorder (dysthymia) – It is less severe than bipolar disorders. It may be mild or severe. It is characterized by a depression in the daytime for at least 2 years. It can develop at any age from childhood to adulthood. Its symptoms include a feeling of hopelessness, sleep-related problems, either too much sleepiness in the daytime or inability to sleep at night, low concentration, low self-esteem, and appetite either too high or too low.it affects females more than males.

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder– it is a mood disorder characterized by chronic severe and longstanding irritability in children unusual to their developmental age. The children have recurrent outbursts of anger. It starts before the age of 10 years. The age of the child is 6-17 years. In severe conditions, the child may have verbal outburst (screaming) or behavioral outburst (attacking people or things). The child may destroy properties after an outburst of anger.


Severe mood disorder is a condition of mind that causes extreme fluctuations in one’s mood from extreme depression to extreme happiness. The patient may have outbursts of emotions especially irritability which is extremely out of proportion in a particular situation. Its examples are discussed above.

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:February 22, 2019

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