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17 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dry Eyes

It would be right to say that our eyes are one of the most precious gifts given to us and it is always essential for us to take care of our eyes. However; there are a lot of times that we meet with several kinds of issues related to the eyes. Some people get eye infections and some people get eye irritation. If you are quite prone to itchy or irritated eyes then there is a great probability that you must have dry eyes. Dry eyes are a condition which generally occur when the tear glands lack tears or when the tears quickly get evaporated. There are some effective ways to treat dry eyes. In this article we will talk about some of the effective home remedies to get rid of dry eyes.

Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dry Eyes

Dry Eyes: An Overview

Dry eye occur when a person is not able to produce enough amount of tears so as to nourish or lubricate the eyes. This condition of dry eyes is also known as dry eye syndrome and even known by the name, Keratoconjunctivitis.

It must be mentioned that our eyes require a layer of tears to be coated on them so as to keep them well lubricated and also to restrict the entry of allergies, dust and any other irritants. When there is a lack of this tear layer in the eye, dry eye occurs and there begins eye irritation in the person who has been affected. There are a lot of causes for occurrence of dry eyes. Some of the common causes include, dysfunctional tear glands, constant exposure to dry air and wind, allergies, prior eye surgery, aging, using medicines like decongestants, antihistamines, antidepressants, or contraceptive pills; long-term use of contact lens, staring at screen for long time, vitamin A and D deficiency, pregnancy and hormonal therapy, and certain medical conditions like arthritis, hypothyroidism and immune system disorders.

There are some common symptoms of dry eyes, which include, eye pain, a burning and stinging sensation in the eyes, blurred vision, redness of eye, eye irritation, and eyes feel sandy and dry. Dry eyes can actually interfere with your regular life activities. Thus, it is essential for you to get rid of this issue at the earliest, in case you suffer from the same.

17 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dry Eyes:

Below are some of the effective home remedies to get rid of dry eyes. You can try out any of these to get rid of dry eyes in simplest and easiest ways. However, it is always advisable to consult with an eye specialist and take the best treatments for the condition.

  1. Add Fatty Acids To Your Diet:

    One of the most effective home remedies to get rid of dry eyes could be by adding fatty acids to your diet. Research has indicated that by consuming more of omega-3 fatty acids, one might get relief from the dry eyes symptoms.(1) This fatty acid is known for reducing any kind of inflammation in the body. It might help in getting you relief from dry eyes symptoms, by reducing the inflammation of eyes, allowing for more production of more tear.

    You can add omega-3 fatty acids to your daily diet through foods such as ground flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, chia seeds, soybean oil, palm oil, fish like tuna, salmon, mackerel and sardines which are quite fatty fish, and walnuts; which are all known to be rich in oimega-3 fatty acids.

  2. Add Vitamins And Nutrients To Your Diet:

    One more effective home remedy to get rid of dry eyes could be by adding vitamins and essential nutrients to your daily diet. It is already known that dry eyes can be due to vitamin A and vitamin D deficiency; and there are also some studies which have revealed the same.

    One study, that involved 17,542 adults in Korea, found that the levels of vitamin D in people with dry eyes were significantly lower than in case of those people without the condition of dry eyes.(2)

    One more small study, which was published in the Medical Science Monitor, in the year 2017, also examined the association between the levels of vitamin D and dry eyes, and also found that the levels of vitamin D were very much lower in those with dry eyes.(3)

    So, it is always important for you to take foods which are loaded with these vitamins. Some of these foods include orange juice, egg yolk, carrots, broccoli, spinach, cereals, and butter; all of which are packed with vitamin a and vitamin D.

  3. Use Castor Oil As A Home Remedy:

    You can treat dry eye syndrome by using castor oil as a remedy at home. Castor oil contains a lot of ricinoleic acid, that imparts the natural lubricating properties to the oil and it also plays a crucial role in anti-inflammatory agent that aids in relieving itching and burning sensations which are generally associated with dry eyes.

    For using this as a home remedy for dry eyes you will require 1 or 2 drops of organic castor oil which is to be put in your eyes. In case you do not find pure organic castor oil, you can even use lubricating eye drops which are prepared from castor oil. Make sure that you do this twice or thrice regularly.

  4. Virgin Coconut Oil To Get Rid Of Dry Eyes:

    Virgin coconut oil is another widely used home remedy to get rid of dry eyes. This oil contains fatty acids, like lauric acid and capric acid; both of which are essential for hair and skin and they are also highly moisturizing and anti-inflammatory and thus can be used for providing instant lubrication to itchy and dry eyes. You will require a 1-2 drops of organic coconut oil which is to be put in both of your eyes and allow the oil to get absorbed.

  5. Use Cucumber To Get Rid Of Dry Eyes:

    Cucumbers are one of the most effective home remedies to get rid of dry eyes. They are loaded with water that helps in soothing your eyes. Apart from this, cucumbers also have vitamin A, and applying it topically is one of the proven home remedies for dry eyes.

    For using this remedy, you will require one cucumber to be cut into round slices. You have to place these slices on closed eyes so as to get instant relief from dry eyes. Doing this twice or thrice in a day would relax and soothe your dry eyes.

  6. Chamomile Tea

    One more great remedy for dry eyes is chamomile tea. It works because of the relaxing and calming effects of the chamomile. Moreover, the natural soothing and anti-inflammatory properties replenish the lost moisture from your eyes and also helps in reducing the eye irritation caused due to dry eyes.

    You will require one teaspoon of dried chamomile, one cup of hot water, and cotton pads; to use this as a home remedy for dry eyes. All you need is to add one teaspoon of the chamomile herb to one cup of hot water and let it steep for about 10 minutes. Then after, strain it and store it in refrigerator for few hours. You can then dip couple of cotton pads in the icy cold chamomile tea and place them on the closed eyes and allow it to stay for about 15 minutes. Doing this, 3-4 times every day would give you relief.

  7. Fennel Seeds Tea:

    Fennel seeds tea can also help you in getting rid of dry eyes. These seeds have an organic compound, known as anethole, the presence of which along with phenolics and flavonoids, imparts soothing and anti-inflammatory properties to them. It must be mentioned that the anti-inflammatory properties of these seeds can actually help in reducing the irritability and inflammation of the eyes and the soothing properties helps in retaining moisture in the dry eyes.

    You will be requiring 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds along with a cup of boiling water and some cotton pads. What you need to do is steep one teaspoon of the fennel seeds in one cup of boiling water for at least 15 minutes and then let it cool. Now, dip couple of cotton pads in this tea and put them on your eyes and leave them as it is for about 10 minutes. Doing this twice or thrice a day would help you get rid of dry eyes in some days.

  8. Yogurt:

    It must be mentioned that all dairy products, along with yogurt, are great for dry eyes. Being rich in vitamin B and vitamin D, yogurt can help in improving and treating the condition of dry eyes quite naturally. For using this as a remedy to get rid of dry eyes, you will require to have a cup of plain yogurt, at least once daily.

  9. Aloe Vera Gel To Get Rid Of Dry Eyes:

    One of the most effective home remedies to get rid of dry eyes is aloe vera gel. Aloe vera has bioactive compounds such as ethyle acetate and ethanol, that exhibit healing and anti-inflammatory properties; and these properties are known to be helpful in treating or getting rid of dry eyes. Moreover, aloe vera, being a natural antioxidant, can safeguard your eyes from any of the damage caused by free radicals.

    You will have to require a few amount of aloe vera gel to be applied on your eyelids twice daily.

    NOTE: Make sure that aloe vera gel do not get inside the eyes, else it might cause eye irritation.

  10. Lavender Essential Oil:

    Lavender oil has got antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties and this can be used for treating dry eyes. Lavender essential oil can offer you instant soothing relief from the condition of dry eyes. You will require few drops of the essential oil, a cup of warm water and a clean washcloth. You need to add 3-4 drops of lavender essential oil in one cup of water and mix it well. Then, dip a clean cloth into this, wring out extra water and put it over your eyes and let it be there for about 10 minutes.

    Repeat this process again. Doing this thrice regularly would get you fair relief from dry eyes.

  11. Chamomile Oil:

    Chamomile oil aids in reducing the inflammation in eyes and it also has anti-inflammatory properties in it. The chamomile oil is even used widely for treating allergic skin conditions and also can help relieve symptoms of dry eyes too. All you would need is few drop of chamomile essential oil, a cup of warm water and a clean cloth. You must add 3-4 drops of the oil in one cup of warm water and mix it well to get a solution in which the clean cloth is to be dipped and placed over your eyelids for 10 minutes.

    Doing this multiple times in a day would get you enough relief from dry eyes.

  12. Olive Oil:

    Olive oil could be a wonderful home remedy to get rid of dry eyes. This is because of the presence of fatty acids such as the oleic acid and the linoleic acid; which make it significantly lubricating and also beneficial in replenishing the lost moisture of your eyes. Moreover, olive oil also possesses antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory properties that can aid in reducing eye irritation and inflammation of the eyes.

    All you would require is a few drops of virgin olive oil which is to be taken on the fingertips and gently massaged on the closed eyelids and then covered them with your hands for about 2 minutes. Make sure you are not washing away the oil and allowing it to get absorbed by the skin naturally. You can do this twice or thrice daily until you get relief from the symptoms of dry eyes.

  13. Fish Oil:

    One of the most natural and effective home remedy to get rid of dry eyes is fish oil. It is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which, are already proven to enhance vision and also your retinal health. So you can take this supplement to treat dry eyes. However it is always essential for you to consult with your healthcare provider before taking any supplement. You will have to take 1000 mg to 1200 mg of the fish oil supplements. Consuming 2 capsules each of 1000-1200 mg of fish oil is recommended daily.

  14. Flaxseed Oil:

    Another rich source of omega-3 fatty acids is the flaxseed oil. This oil has alpha linoleic acid or ALA, which gets converted to two different omega-3 fatty acids, namely the Eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA and Docosahexaenoic acid or DHA. Both these fatty acids are known to treat symptoms of dry eyes. You can increase the amount of flaxseeds you take for an added benefit. There are also flaxseed supplements, which can be used. However, you must always talk to your doctor before taking the supplements.

  15. Green Tea Extract To Get Rid Of Dry Eyes:

    One more effective home remedy to get rid of dry eyes is green tea extract. It can offer you relief from the symptoms when topically applied on eyes. There is a primary component extracted from green tea, which is known as Epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG, which exhibits anti-inflammatory properties and can help in inhibiting the inflammation that results in dry eyes. Apart from this, green tea extract is even a natural extract that can prevent any further eye irritation.

    For using this as a home remedy for dry eyes you will require 1 or 2 green tea bags, a cup of hot water and few cotton pads. All you need to do is put the tea bags in the hot water and allow it to steep at least for 10-15 minutes and then let it cool. Once it is cool, dip couple of cotton pads in the tea and place the pads over your closed eyelids and leave it for 10 minutes and then again do the same. Repeating this several times in a day for few days would help you get rid of dry eyes quite soon.

  16. Honey For Dry Eyes:

    Honey can be another effective home remedy for getting rid of dry eyes. Honey gels along with eye drops are popularly used for treating a lot of ocular ailments. Honey is extremely antiseptic and also anti-inflammatory and thus can help easily treat dry eyes and also prevent any further infection. Moreover, honey has also got moisturizing properties that can help in lubricating the dry eyes.

    All you would require is one tablespoon of 100% organic honey and half cup of preboiled and properly cooled water. You need to add the honey in water and mix them well and put one or two drops of this solution in your eyes. Doing this 2-3 times in a day would help you get rid of dry eyes in a few days.

Some Other Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dry Eyes:

  • During Winters, Turn On A Humidifier: It is essential for you to turn on a humidifier during the winter months. This can help the room air remain moist.
  • Stay Away From Cigarette Smoke: One more thing to keep in mind is to remain away from cigarette smoke, as they can actually irritate dry eyes and can increase the risk of developing dry eyes.
  • Rest Your Eyes: Watching TV or using computer or continuous reading can result in dry eyes. So, it is always important for you to take regular breaks so that your eyes get enough time to regain their lost moisture.
  • Avoid Places Where There Is A Lot Of Air Movement: You must also strictly note not to be in places where there is a lot of air movement. Exposing your eyes to fans and hair dryers or fast blowing winds outside can cause dry eyes. So, you can avoid such places or can wear wraparound sunglasses while going outside during windy days.
  • Hot Compress Can Get Rid Of Dry Eyes: Hot or warm compress is known to help in increasing the thickness of the tear film in eyes and thus help in relieving dry eyes. For using this as a home remedy to get rid of dry eyes you will require a clean cloth, one bowl of warm or hot water in which the cloth is to be soaked. You need to wring any excess water and put the soaked cloth over your eyes for at least 10 minutes. Doing this several times in a day offers your great relief from dry eyes.

Best Tips For Preventing Dry Eyes:

Below are some of the bets tips to prevent dry eyes:

  • Make use of a humidifier in your house.
  • Avoid too much of exposure to dry air or heavily moving winds.
  • Take breaks often during long visual activity.
  • Make use of artificial tears so as to keep your eyes filled with enough moisture and prevent dry eyes.
  • Increase your intake of foods packed with omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Avoid smoking.


Though dry eyes are generally common to experience; however, it is always essential for you to get them treated well at the earliest. Hope the above mentioned home remedies would aid you get rid of dry eyes. However, it is also important to note that you must consult with your doctor so as to identify the real cause and also know about the best possible treatment options for your condition.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 13, 2023

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