Reduced sperm count can affect a man in many ways and the commonest problem faced by people is the inability to start their own family. It may also make a person feel embarrassed in front of the partner and may be willing to find some solution. Learning about the natural ways to increase sperm count production and sperm volume can be useful.
Also known as testes or gonads, testicles are the male sex glands. It is located in a pouch of skin known as scrotum and can be found right behind the penis. Testicles are the body’s main source of testosterone which is the male hormone. The sperm count solely depends on the ability of the testicles to produce sperm and store them. Conditions affecting these organs need to be studied and treated, which can help to improve the sperm count.
The average sperm count ranges between 125 to 350 million per cubic centimeter. If your sperm count is less than 40 million per cubic centimeter then it is considered to be a low sperm count. There are several factors which can cause low sperm count in a man which may include drugs, exposure to heavy metals, chemicals and radiation, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking of cigarettes and pollution. Identifying such factors and addressing them is important to increase sperm count production.
Natural Ways to Increase Sperm Count Production and Sperm Volume
While it is necessary to identify the cause of low sperm count and treat the condition to increase the sperm count production and sperm volume, there are several other measures as well.
Here are some natural ways to increase sperm count production and sperm volume:
- Reduce Number of Sexual Intercourses – Try to limit the number of times you masturbate or have sexual intercourse with your partner, as frequent intercourse or masturbation decreases the quantity of seminal fluid being produced in the testicles. Try to give a week’s gap between 2 sexual intercourses as this will allow the testicles to produce adequate number of sperms for ejaculation and naturally increase the sperm count production and sperm volume.
- Shower With Cold Water – You should wash your penis and scrotum area every day with cold water. In fact, taking a shower with cold water every day increases your sperm count to a large extent as this reduces your body temperature thereby allowing the testicles to produce more sperm. This is probably one of the easiest natural ways to increase sperm count production and sperm volume.
- Yoga and Meditation – Perform yoga and meditation along with regular exercise. This will help increase your libido and energy and also keep the testicles active enough to produce enough sperms. Regular activity improves the blood circulation to the parts and can help to stimulate more sperm production naturally.
- Avoid Spicy Food or Menthol Products – Do not eat spicy and bitter food items as they can have a negative impact on a man’s sexual ability in general. It is believed that eating chewing gums or mints is not advisable as they contain an ingredient known as menthol which can reduce a man’s sexual drive. Instead you can much on fresh fruits, vegetables, dry fruits, which can help to maintain good health and vigor.
- Wear Loose Fitting Undergarments – One of the most effective natural ways to increase sperm count production is to avoid wearing tight fitting undergarments and clothes and choose a little loose ones instead. Too much of heat in the groin area can prevent the testicles from producing sperm in the right quantity. Tight clothing increases the temperature of your body and inhibits sperm production to a large extent. Wearing loose fitting undergarments can allow proper sperm production and can help to raise sperm volume naturally.
- Garlic – Garlic contains an organo-sulfur compound named allicin which has been proven to raise sperm volume naturally. Allicin helps to increase the flow of blood to a man’s sexual organs thereby helping the testicles to produce more sperm. Try to incorporate garlic in your food and also chew some raw cloves of garlic in the morning. Other sperm-boosting foods include ginseng, pumpkin seeds, asparagus, bananas and walnuts. These home remedies can help you increase sperm count production naturally.
- Eat Right – Your diet plays a vital role in raising sperm volume naturally. Eating healthy helps boost fertility and keep you healthy in general thereby helping the testicles to produce more sperm. Include plenty of whole grains, legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet and say no to coffee, tea, alcohol, refined and processed food items, tobacco and sweets. Increase your daily intake of Vitamin D and calcium. Try to sit for an hour under the sun every day and increase consumption of skim milk, salmon and yogurt. Drink plenty of water to flush off the toxins. Eating right can help you increase your sperm count production naturally while maintaining good health.
- Sleep Well – It is very important to sleep well every night if you want your sperm volume to rise. Since your body does most of the production work (including sperm production) at night during your sleep, it is important to get a good night’s sleep every night. So make sure you take adequate rest and sleep well during the night to raise sperm volume naturally.
- Stay Away From Lubricants – Another way to increase sperm count production naturally is to stay away from lubricants when having sex with your partner. Lubricants such as jellies, lotions and saliva can interfere in the movement of sperm and also reduce sperm count in the long run.
By leading a healthy lifestyle, eating the right kind of foods and avoiding the wrong ones, you can easily increase the sperm count production in your body in a natural manner. Following these tips will not only help to increase sperm count production and raise the sperm volume but also improve the quality of your sperm and help you start a family soon.
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