How To Cope With Mood Disorders?

People may often find it common to express their feelings, but have to be carefully monitored to avoid progression of mild symptoms into a chronic disease. The brain imaging studies have shown that the brain structure and functioning are altered in patients suffering from bipolar disorder and mood disorder and the role of neurotransmitters cannot be ignored in developing mood disorders. It is not that only adults who suffer from mood disorders, even teenagers and young adults do suffer from mood disorders. It will be difficult to identify the symptoms of mood disorders in children as their expression of feelings cannot always be considered as a disorder.

How To Cope With Mood Disorders?

How To Cope With Mood Disorders?

Mood disorders can be major depression, chronic depression (Dysthymia), bipolar disorder, depression due to other medical illness, substance abuse mood disorder or imbalance in the chemicals of the brain. Any type of mood disorders can be treated by support from family and friends, therapy and self-help. There can be a number of factors responsible for mood disorders. Lifestyle changes and mood management strategies can be very helpful in coping with mood swings. Other challenges like seasonal changes or any stressful event in life cannot be held or withdrawn but careful monitoring can help in preventing mood swings. Here we present you some strategies to cope with mood disorders:

Prevent Stress. It is the most common factor both in depression and mania. Life cannot be smooth all the time and there can be stress due to personal or professional duties, stress management techniques such as meditation and yoga can be helpful in relieving and controlling stress. Try to simplify your life and find time to analyses the positive aspects of life. Being happy and content is the most important factor which contributes to a peaceful life.

Follow Biological Clock. Try to maintain a proper sleep and wake cycle which helps in relaxing both body and mind and eventually helping to control mood swings. Try to do exercise and have timely meals to keep your mind in perfect condition. Perform a regular physical activity, maybe a brisk walk or simple exercises this will help in controlling your blood pressure, sugar and giving you a healthy life and at the same time coping with your mood disorder.

Have A Sound Sleep. People suffering from mood disorders often find it difficult to have a good sound sleep. They either find it difficult to fall asleep and then to maintain the asleep phase. They lack quality sleep and tend to suffer from a mood disorder. Such people spend time watching movies or surfing the internet and ultimately resulting in a tiring morning where they will not be able to concentrate at work or to perform daily chores. Maintaining a sleep schedule is an excellent way to cope with mood disorder.

Avoid Substance Abuse, Alcohol, And Caffeine. Substance abuse is one the major risk factor for a mood disorder. Avoid medicine and substances which have stimulant or depressant action on the brain, intake of caffeine and alcohol have a direct effect on brain activity. Side-effect of certain medications can also be a possible trigger factor for mood swings.

Tracking Of Mood Swings. This is beneficial for the patient and the doctor to analyze the mood swings and find the trigger factors, patients are advised to write about their moods and emotions and what causes them to react so. This is the best self-help coping remedy which allows patients for self-analysis and to control the emotions. Many patients will realize that their reaction was an unnecessary outburst of emotions.


Mood disorders can be treated by proper medications provided they are given space and encourage talking about their fear and concerns. Mood disorders affect the quality of life and if left untreated the patients feel they are worthless and with time the suicidal tendency increases. Mood disorder takes time for treatment and symptoms usually start diminishing after 15 days of treatment. Being positive in a stressful situation and maintain a healthy biological clock with good food and sound sleep, follow doctor’s prescription and advice to overcome the situation.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 1, 2023

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