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Treat Pimples With These 27 Simple Home Remedies

Are you suffering from pimples? Do you wish to have a flawless, glowing skin? A bright, healthy skin can add more charm to your beauty but when pimples come out all your desire of gorgeous skin blow away. Anyone would get upset when pimples come out on their face and sometimes pimples can drop down your confidence level too.

However, it is now easy to treat pimples with home remedies and by taking appropriate care. This article discusses about home remedies to treat pimples. For more serious problems or if home remedies do not prove helpful, it is worth consulting a dermatologist.

Treat Pimples With These 27 Simple Home Remedies

Treat Pimples With These 27 Simple Home Remedies

You can easily treat your pimples with the help of home remedies. Most of the pimples easing remedies are easy to do-it-yourself. As the ingredients needed to cure pimples are always available at home you can apply them as per your convenience.

Here are some of the best home remedies to treat pimples.

Sugar Scrub as Exfoliator and Stop Excess Clogging

Sugar scrub is one of the best home remedies to treat pimples. Apply sugar scrub directly by making a paste with water. You can also make a paste of olive oil and sugar which works amazingly as a scrub. Apart from these, sugar can be added with vanilla extract and large sea salt. In every case, leave the paste until it gets dry. Wash up your face and apply moisturizer.

Aloevera Gel Fights With Bacterial Infection and Reduce Blemish

Aloevera is another anti-oxidant agent that acts as one of the best home remedies to treat pimples. It contains vitamins and anti-oxidants that keeps your skin out of bacterial infection. It is also very good soothing agents. Sweep the gel from a big fat leaf and apply the gel directly on your face. Let it on your skin to dry well. Wash off your face and get fresh and soothing effect.

Ice Produce Soothing Effects on Your Skin

This is one of the best and simple home remedies to treat pimples. Ice can reduce the redness and blemish by providing gentle effects your skin needs during pimple causing bacterial infection. As it gets down the temperature of your skin, the chances of bacterial growth gets reduce. It is very effective and easy to apply process in minor pimple infections.

Apply Apple Cider Vinegar to Kill the Germs

Apple cider vinegar works efficiently on pimples and is used as one of the best and simple home remedies to treat pimples. It is known as powerhouse when it comes to clean pimples. Apple cider vinegar can kill the pimple causing bacteria. The alkaline effects help your skin to maintain the pH balance properly which protects bacterial infection further. The astringent effect of apple cider vinegar helps to dry up the excess oil. You can mix 1 table spoon of apple cider vinegar and 3 tablespoon of water in bowl. Dip a cotton ball into it and apply directly on the pimples and leave it at least ten minutes. Apply moisturizer cream every time after wash it. You can apply it several times in a day.

Papaya Provides Glamorous Skin by Removing Dead Skin Cells

Raw papaya, as well as ripe papaya both provides amazing effects on pimples. Papaya is a good source of papain enzyme which works incredibly to cure inflammation and prevent pus forming. It works as an excellent home remedy to treat pimples. Apply mashed paste of papaya on your entire face and leave it for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. Wash your face with warm water and apply moisturizer afterwards.

Egg White Reduces Pimples Along With the Scars and Rebuild Skin Cells

Apply egg white as a perfect home remedy to treat pimples. Egg white is highly pertinacious and also contains some vitamins. Egg white blots excess sebum secrets by your skin which produces nutrition to the pimple causing bacteria. Whisk at least two to three egg whites and keep leave for a while. Apply directly on the pimples taking the egg white on your finger tip. As the first coat is dried u apply second coat and do it following two to three more steps. Wash you face as it dried up entirely. Apply moisturizer according to the skin type.

Take Lemon Juice Helps to Stay Away From Breakouts and Exfoliate Skin Perfectly

Lemon juice is a very good source of vitamin C and citric acid and also works as an astringent. Lemon juice reduces blemishes and redness caused due to pimples. It can acts as one of the effective home remedies to treat pimples. Add lemon juice in yogurt and apply the paste directly on the pimples affected areas. Wash off your face as the paste dries up and apply moisturizer.

Application of Calamine Lotion Helps in Reducing the Pimples Rapidly

Calamine lotion is another perfect pimple healing agent that works as one of the best home remedies to treat pimples. Clean your face before going to bed at night and apply astringent. After a while apply calamine lotion all over the face with the help of cotton ball. Let your skin soak the lotion by keeping it overnight.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Minimize Acne Infection

Fish and fish oil contains omega -3fatty acid which has anti-inflammatory properties. This too acts as a home remedy to treat pimples. Squeeze a capsule containing omega-3 fatty acid and apply on the pimples directly. Leave the oil on your face overnight and rinse off in the next morning.

Tea Tree Oil to Unblock the Pores and Reduce Sebum Secretion

Tea tree oil has anti-microbial properties which help in killing bacteria, so can be used as one of the simple and effective home remedies to treat pimples. Always dilute the oil by adding water. Take 1 tablespoon of tea tree oil and 9 tablespoon of water and apply it on your pimples affected areas by a cotton ball. If you have highly sensitive skin then add the oil with aloe vera gel. Let it leave to dry up well. Wash your face.

Orange Peel Promotes New Cell Growth

Orange peel contains astringent and vitamin C, which can be great home remedies to treat pimples. When it comes to take proper care to cure pimples, apply orange peels during winter. Make a fragile paste of orange peel and water by grinding the pieces of peel finely. Apply the paste on your face and leave it for twenty to twenty-five minutes. Apply moisturizer after washing your face.

Banana Peel Prevents Inflammation and Swelling

Banana peel contains lutein which is a powerful anti-oxidant. Lutein helps your new cell growth by reducing discomfort of pimples. Hence, it can be used as one of the home remedies to treat pimples. Rub a banana peel on your skin in a circular motion. Leave the peel extract for thirty minutes and wash your face then.

Honey and Strawberries Mixture Helps to Open Up the Blocks

Honey and strawberry paste can neutralize bacteria which causes pimples. If you are looking for home remedies to treat pimples, then honey and strawberry mixture is here for you. Take three to four strawberries and mash them moderately. Add two to three spoon of yoghurt in it. Leave the paste on your entire face for approx twenty minutes and then rinse off with cold water.

Steam Helps To Open the Pores and Flush Out Impurities

Steam up your face to get rid of the pimples. Steam provides incredible effects on pimples. Take the steam by leaning forward above the hot water. To get best result cover your head by a towel. Try to take the steam for at least ten to fifteen minutes.

Honey and Avocado Mix Modulate The Pimples

Avocado and honey paste is perfect to apply on pimples as the mixture contains vitamin minerals and other nutrients in an accurate proportion. This too is one of the popular home remedies to treat pimples. Make the paste by adding one tablespoon of honey with an avocado and apply the paste throughout your face. Wash your face with slightly warm water after fifteen to twenty minutes. Depending on your skin type, apply moisturizer.

Mint Works as a Pain Killer and Soothing Agent

Take proper care to treat pimples by applying menthol containing mints. Crash a handful leaves perfectly. Apply the juice and the leaves directly on your face. Keep the paste on your face for five to ten minutes before washing off your face with cold water.

Potato for Controlling Pimples and Reduce

Potato contains large amounts of potassium, sulphur and phosphorus along with anti-oxidant effects. This too can be used as a home remedy to treat pimples. Rub the juice and the pulp in a circular motion for a few seconds by grating a potato. Leave the extract for fifteen to thirty minutes. Apply lukewarm water to rinse off your face.

Baking Soda Has Strong Ability to Fight off Bacteria and Fungus

One of the home remedies to treat pimples includes baking soda. It contains anti-septic properties which dry up excess oil and provide gorgeous skin by exfoliating via microdermabrasion. Make a thick paste by adding water in it and apply the paste in a circular motion at least for two minutes. Leave the paste for fifteen to twenty minutes. Apply moisturizer after wash off the face.

Garlic Reduces the Severe Effects of Breakouts

Garlic has highly anti-microbial effects but never apply it directly on your skin. To reduce pimples you can consume two to three chopped piece of ginger or else, add ginger juice in one tablespoon of water. Before adding the juice, soak two to smashed three cloves in water and leave it for ten minutes. Dip a cotton pad in it and apply directly on the pimple affected area. You can add the ginger juice in aloe vera gel too as home remedies to treat pimples. Apply the juicy substances two to three times once at a time. Wash up your face as it gets dried.

Toothpaste Provides Amazing Result in Swelling

Tooth paste is another cooling agent just like ice and can be used as one of the home remedies to treat pimples. Avoid gel toothpaste and use only normal toothpaste. Apply toothpaste on your pimples and leave it overnight. If you follow the procedure during day time, then leave the paste on pimples for at least thirty minutes. Wash your face on next morning and apply moisturizer as per your skin type.

Aspirin Is Best to Dry up the Pimples

When it comes to the fast resulting pimple cure take medicine like aspirin. The medicine contains salicylic acid which works rapidly in pimple treatment. Dissolves two to three aspirins in pure water or smash the tablets and make paste. Apply the paste directly on pimples and leave it until it gets dry. Wash your face with cold water and see the results after two to three days.

Basil Leaves Helps To Fight With the Pimple Causing Bacteria

Basil gives stunning effect to cure pimples due to its medicinal properties. Basil leaves are very good and easy to get pimple healing agent. Take some warm water and soak a handful of basil leaves in it for approx twenty minutes. Apply the water all over your face by a cotton ball and leave the extract overnight. Rinse off your face next morning.

Green Tea Prevents Sebum Production and Bacterial Growth Simultaneously

Apply simple green tea on your face as it is a powerful agent of anti-oxidant. It acts as one of the best home remedies to treat pimples. Green tea works to diminish inflammation and also works interestingly to keep away the pimple causing bacterial infection for the future. Make a cup of tea and get it cool down. Dip a cotton ball into it and apply with gentle rotation all around your face. Leave two to three minutes to dry it up then apply another coat. Let dry perfectly after applying several coat. You can wash off your face or not, depends up on your choice.

Coconut Oil Kills Pimple Causing Bacterias

It is an anti-bacterial, as well as anti-inflammatory agent. It helps to regenerate your skin with glowing effects, which is one of the best home remedies to treat pimples. Apply coconut oil daily during bath or any other suitable time. Just take the oil on your palm and apply gently in a circular movement throughout your face.

Cinnamon and Honey Mask Help To Get Rid Of Bacterial Infection

When it comes to treat pimples by applying home remedy to treat pimples cinnamon honey mask works as a killer combo. The beautification advantages of honey need not to tell you. It would be extra beneficial when you add the spice along with it. Cinnamon contains anti-microbial properties whereas honey works as a natural anti-biotic. The mixture of honey and cinnamon prevent bacterial infection and give you a glorious skin. Wash your face by water and apply the paste on your pimples. Let it leave for ten to fifteen minutes. Wash your face as it dries up.

Oatmeal Works to Minimize Inflammation

If you are having severe irritation due to pimples then apply oatmeal mask on your face. It diminishes the pain causes due to breakouts. Boil the oatmeal as you do during cooking. Make a thick paste by smashing it properly. Add honey on the oatmeal paste and apply the paste on your face. Make sure that the oatmeal paste has to be skin friendly temperature. This is one of the most effective home remedies to treat pimples.

Clean Up Pillow Case

Different studies say that all the dead cell of your skin gets dusted on your pillowcase during sleep. If you do not clean up the pillow case once in a week it gets various germ and bacterial affection. As you sleep for 6-8 hours at night the germs and bacteria easily contact with your skin and cause pimples. So, clean up the pillow covers once in a week, as one of the essential home remedies to treat pimples.

Application of these above mentioned easy to do home remedies to treat pimples are absolutely helpful. Also, it is not very hard to apply these ingredients on daily basis to cure pimples. Get a beautiful flawless skin which reflects your healthy inside as well as, healthy outside.


  1. Mayo Clinic – “Acne: Self-care”: Explore self-care tips and home remedies for managing and preventing pimples. Mayo Clinic – Acne Self-care

  2. American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD) – “Acne: Tips for Managing”: Find expert advice on managing acne, including the use of home remedies. AAD – Acne Tips

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 23, 2023

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