Top 10 Home Remedies For Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is one of the commonest gastric problems experienced by people around the globe. There are many reasons that may cause acid reflux. Ranging from lifestyle to food items and stress to alcohol, acid reflux can happen to anyone at any time. Some of the home remedies for acid reflux can help in mild cases.

Top 10 Home Remedies For Acid Reflux

Top 10 Home Remedies For Acid Reflux

Though in many cases a slight change in food habits and lifestyle can help in getting rid of acid reflux, in acute cases the patient needs medication. There are medications available in allopathy as well as in alternative medicine, however, it is best to seek medical opinion for appropriate treatment.

If you know that certain food items cause acid reflux in your body, you can avoid those food items. The most common culprits are processed meat, pork, fatty food, fried food, caffeine, and many others. On the other hand, there are many food items that act as home remedies, which help in controlling acid reflux. There are a lot of herbs that are known for their properties that can control acid reflux. In many alternative medicine practices like Ayurveda, these herbs are commonly used.

Here are some of the best home remedies for acid reflux.

  • Herbal Tea – Caffeine free herbal teas like chamomile, licorice, slippery elm and many others can help in controlling acid reflux. Herbal tea is one of the most effective home remedies for acid reflux. You should, however, avoid peppermint tea as peppermint is known to acid reflux in many people. In India, Tulsi and ginger tea is considered to be a good alternative to regular tea in case you have acid reflux.
  • Low Fat Skimmed Milk – Full cream milk is not good for acid reflux. On the other hand, if you take cold skimmed milk, it can help in reducing the symptoms significantly. If helps to relieve burning sensation and is considered as one of the top home remedies for acid reflux.
  • Plant-Based Milk – For lactose intolerant patients, there are many alternatives available in the market that can replicate the effects of cold skimmed milk. Some of the similar home remedies for acid reflux include almond milk, soy milk, flax milk, coconut milk and cashew milk. The chemical compositions of these milk alternatives can control acid reflux to a sustainable level. For example, almond milk has alkaline properties which help in reducing acid reflux.
  • Fresh Juice – Less acidic fresh juices like of carrot and aloe vera can help in reducing acid reflux. You can also try fruits and vegetable juices of beet, spinach, pear, cucumber, and watermelon. These too are some of the top home remedies for acid reflux However, you should avoid acidic fruits and vegetables such as tomato juice.
  • Ginger – Ginger can help in stopping vomiting and nausea in patients with acid reflux. It can also absorb the stomach acid providing immediate relief. It one of the most popular home remedies for acid reflux. You can either take it in form of capsules or drink ginger root tea with every meal.
  • Mustard – Mustard is an alkalizing herb that is used as a home remedy for acid reflux. You can either take a spoon full of mustard seeds as it is or with water after every meal.
  • Fenugreek Seeds – Fenugreek seeds work like a sponge and help in reducing the acid in the stomach by soaking it up. It is indeed one of the best home remedies for acid reflux. You can brew tea, soak them overnight or just sprinkle them on your food and eventually, you will get habitual to their taste.
  • Turmeric – Turmeric is one of the most important medicinal herbs. It has a lot of properties one of which is controlling acid reflux. It is an antibiotic and can fight a number of medical issues which may be causing acid reflux, thus making it a great home remedy for acid reflux. Adding turmeric to your food preparations can help; make sure it is properly cooked as it is very strong in nature.
  • Water – As simple as it may sound, water is one of the best home remedies to reduce acid reflux. Decent amount of water intake can control acid reflux. However, do not overdo water drinking during the treatment as it may hamper with the pH balance of your body that can lead to acid reflux.
  • Coconut Water – Coconut water is full of electrolytes such as potassium. Choose non-sweetened fresh coconut water to control acid reflux. This nutritious drink helps to neutralize acid and is one of the top home and natural remedies for acid reflux.

There are many reasons for acid reflux. By determining what is causing it, you can make the required changes in your diet, lifestyle and other habits to get rid of the problem. In acute acid reflux, you will need medication, which can be taken with medical advice. Some of the best home remedies for acid reflux can help in most milder cases, while a healthy diet and regular exercise can add to more benefits.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 29, 2018

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