Nutrition and Pain- Fighting Pain Naturally, Foods That Help With Pain

Those people who are prone to sickness will testify that one feels the pain during awkward hours or holidays or long weekends at most times. Painful sensation is sent to your brain via nerve pathways. The way of pain signals, which our brain interprets, can be affected by various outside factors; some of these factors can be controlled by special techniques.

Nutrition and Pain- Fighting Pain Naturally, Foods That Help With Pain

It is important to maintain good nutrition. It helps us to feel our best and maintain our health. However, our lifestyles give us little time to concentrate on eating well. We can help minimize any pain directly or indirectly by spending a bit of time to prepare proper food and eat healthy food that can help with weight loss and aid in easing the pain.

Pain is associated with some disease and medical conditions and affects us by way of mood changes, decrease in appetite, physical changes and metabolic changes etc. Pain can produce malnutrition and result in an inadequate intake of healthy foods. It is very important to deal with the changes produced by feeling unwell and being in pain to provide good pain relief.

Importance of Balanced Nutrition To Avoid Obesity- A Cause for Joint Pain:

Obesity occurs when we do not maintain proper diet and balanced nutrition and consume excessive amount of calories that we are unable to use up through metabolic processes (such as sweating, exercising and breathing). There will be increased strain on our joints and spine due to excess weight and this can aggravate many painful conditions, such as low back pain and arthritis. It has been proven that loss of excessive weight can reduce pain and improve joint function in knee osteoarthritis.

The inflammation that occurs in the body can be affected by what we eat or drink along with some other chemical exposures. The painful inflammatory responses in the body can be caused by environmental pollution, artificial coloring and preservatives. Eating low micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) food can likely produce your body pain chemistry. Sources of inflammatory chemistry in particular are fat cells. For those who suffer from overweight, hip pain, chronic low back and knee pain, or foot pain, their may be caused by the bones and joints which support that weight.

Pain signal created by the chemistry in the body is increased by starchy and sugary foods. Avoiding carbohydrates such as sweets and many of the grain products that you don’t need can control inflammation and pain. For controlling pain chemistry regular meals that include lean meat, fish, and eggs are essential. Portion control (not eating more food than you are using for fuel on a daily basis) is the best way for controlling inflammation, and also to successfully lose weight.

Natural Nutrition to Fight Pain

Alteration in food habits in order to maintain what we eat and drink and doing exercises diligently may be a tough ask but if done so leads to excellent results. Better eating habits to reduce pain can also help in avoiding frequent illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. The body can have increased energy with increased ability to heal if an individual stays away from foods that are made with artificial colors, use of preservatives, and other chemicals. There is no clear cut diet which makes an individual lose weight. The choices made should concomitant with personal preferences. High fat foods should be avoided and more emphasis should be given on intake of lean proteins. Drink lots of clear liquids and increase intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. The most vital thing about a nutritious diet is that it should be balanced so that all vital nutrients are present in the diet that is required by the body for healthy functioning, whether you just eat foods that are better for you or trying to lose weight. Useful necessary foods for the body are carbohydrates, proteins and fats and completely staying away from these can result in health hazards in the long run. Try to increase intake of these nutrients in food instead of avoiding them. As an example, transfats need to be stayed away from as it poses a health risk but vegetable oils such as olive oil have polyunsaturated fats in them which are good for the heart.

Certain Foods Increase Pain And Inflammation, While Others May Improve It!

Some evidence suggests that certain foods increase pain and inflammation while others may improve it. The evidence shown for these claims is somewhat inconclusive but scientific research has been done in some instances which have revealed some relationship. Chronic pain can definitely be reduced by increasing intake of fresh fruits and vegetables and reducing intake of red meat in the diet. It is believed that vegetables like pepper, potato, and tomato have certain compounds in them which tend to worsen inflammation but it is still not proved that these chemicals are so common to significantly effect pain level.

Chronic pain caused by arthritis can be improved by using omega III fatty acids as well as fish oil which appears to have antiinflammatory properties. Avoiding or even better staying away from junk food will be helpful since such foods contain high sugar and fat and even higher calories. It is often recommended to remove foods from diet of an individual suffering from chronic pain which may potentially trigger it and observe if doing this effects the pain levels or not.

Transfats were supposed to be good at one point with enhancing texture, flavor, and life of processed foods. They traverse through the digestive system to the arteries where they turn to sludge. A little bit of transfats are found naturally in lamb and beef but maximum transfats comes from processing liquid vegetable oils.

The List Of Foods That Help With Pain Are:

  1. Cherries: You will get effective results to ease pain by taking about two tablespoons of concentrated juice on a daily basis. It is also to be found effective with sweet cherries.
  2. Blackberries, Blueberries, and Strawberries: Taking a cup of any of these berries thrice a day can act as anti-pain compound and observe the effects.
  3. Celery: There are more than 20 anti-inflammatory compounds in it to include a powerful anti-inflammatory action.
  4. Ginger: The prostaglandin levels in the body which are responsible for pain sensation is reduced by ginger. It has been widely used to treat pain and inflammation in countries like India. A spoon of ginger in lemon water thrice a day seems to be very beneficial.
  5. Turmeric: It is very widely used in India. In cases of inflammation and pain, turmeric has shown to be extremely beneficial and is as good as an anti-inflammatory.
  6. Fish Oil: Valuable oils are contained in many fatty fish like mackerel, herring etc. Omega-III present in them convert into hormone-like substances which help reduce pain and inflammation in the body. Fish oil has shown to suppress around 60% of release of compounds that can potentially destroy joints. Studies demonstrate that pain and inflammation, particularly for arthritis sufferers, can be reduced by intake of fish in moderation or taking fish oil.
  7. Flax Seeds/Flax Oil: Omega-III has increased amount of fatty acids which are found in Freshly-ground flax seed but cooking food with flax oil can have exactly the opposite effect of irritating body tissues and causing pain, so it is not advisable to cook food with flax oil.
  8. Raw Walnuts/Walnut Oil: Omega-3 fatty acid is also present in raw walnuts, which helps with reducing pain and inflammation in the body.
  9. Papaya: Aids digestion and prevents constipation.
  10. Grapes: Helpful for dyspepsia. They alleviate heat and provide relief from indigestion and irritation of the stomach.
  11. Onion: Contains quercitin which is helpful for good cholesterol, acts as anti-inflammatory. This is just one of the many benefits of onions.
  12. Garlic: Contains anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Garlic helps to keep the blood pressure in check. Reduces cholesterol and helps prevent weight gain.

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:October 6, 2018

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