
Today's Pick


Skin and Infections

7 Common Illnesses Occurring During Monsoon

Highly affected by the scorching heat of the summer,...

Is It Good Or Bad To Have An Oily Skin?

Oily skin has its own set of advantages and...

6 Bacteria That Cause Food Poisoning

Food is the primary source of sustenance for life...
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Pregnancy & Parenting

Living Healthy

Can Hyperparathyroidism Make You Gain Weight?

What is Hyperparathyroidism? Hyperparathyroidism is a disease in which one...

Which Foods Are Good For Parkinson’s Disease?

For patients with Parkinson's disease, there is no medically...

Exercises for Healthy Eyes

Eyes are one of the five sense organs which...

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Web Stories

What Is The Connection Between Menopause And Body Odor?

Body odor can change during menopause and this can be due to different reasons. There are many factors, which can also contribute to your...

6 Ways To Improve & Protect Your Mobility As You Age

When all of us begin to age, our mobility decreases to varying degrees; these could be from lifestyle factors or even just genetics. When...

The Differences Between Trichotillomania & Obsessive-Compulsive Discover

Trichotillomania (TTM) and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) are both anxiety-related mental health conditions that involve compulsive behavior, but the key difference lies in the pathology...

How Effective is PRP for Hair Loss?

About PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment for Hair Loss PRP or platelet-rich-plasma treatment is a non-surgical option for management of hair loss. It is...

7 Science-Backed Ways on How to Break a Bad Habit

We are creatures of habit—routines and behaviors aren’t just things we do consciously, they can become ingrained in our mind and body. Positive behaviors...

Enhancing Athletic Performance with Buteyko Breathing: Techniques and Benefits

Enhancing Athletic Performance with Buteyko Breathing: A Comprehensive Guide   In the quest for peak performance, athletes often explore various techniques to gain a competitive edge....

Recovery Roadmap: How Concussion Clinic Supports Healing and Rehabilitation

Concussions in sports are not merely incidents; they are significant health events that demand attention, careful management, and understanding. Particularly in the realms of...

Buteyko Breathing for Anxiety and Stress Reduction: Techniques and Scientific Insights

Buteyko Breathing for Anxiety and Stress Reduction: Scientific Insights and Techniques  In today’s fast-paced world, anxiety and stress have become common challenges that many people...

The Impact of a Non-Vegetarian Diet on Rheumatoid Arthritis: Benefits of Going Vegetarian

The Impact of a Non-Vegetarian Diet on Rheumatoid Arthritis: Can Going Veg Help?  Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disorder that affects the joints,...

Yoga Heals and Helps

How to do Simhagarjanasana or the Roaring Lion Pose & What are its Benefits?

The name Simhagarjanasana is derived from Sanskrit where “Simha”...

Padma Sarvangasana or the Lotus in Shoulderstand: Steps, Benefits, Variations

Understanding Padma Sarvangasana or the Lotus in Shoulder Stand! Padma...

Joint Pain


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Azithromycin for STIs : A Comprehensive Guide on Treatment and Prevention

STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) are infections passed from one...

Understanding NTM Infections : Symptoms, Causes, and Effective Treatments

Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are bacteria naturally found in soil,...

Navigating Head Colds : Symptoms, Differences, and Management

What is a Head Cold? ‌A head cold, also known...

Nutritional Recovery from Swine Flu : Essential Diet for Healing and Immunity

Swine flu, also known as the H1N1 virus, emerged...
Nutrition for Heart Health: The Ultimate Guide to a Coronary Diet Superfoods for Winter: Nutrient-Packed Foods to Keep Colds at Bay Hematuria-Friendly Foods: Eating Right to Address Blood in Urine Understanding the No White Foods Diet: What You Need to Know Golden Goodness: The Top Yellow Foods to Brighten Your Diet Eating Your Way to Beautiful Skin: Top Foods to Include Purple Superfoods: Elevate Your Nutrition with these Vibrant Choices Fueling Up Like Tiger Shroff: Pre-Workout Snacks for Muscular Gains Boost Your Health with Potassium: Top 20 Foods to Choose From Eat Right, See Bright: The Ultimate Eye-Boosting Diet